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Cultivating Gratitude, Creativity, and a Positive Mindset 

Self Love delves into the possibility of cultivating gratitude and a positive mindset. Dr. Rachel W. Bush explores the importance of self-love and self-care in promoting mental and emotional well-being.

Self-love is more than a fleeting sentiment but a steadfast commitment to honoring your worth. The impact of self-esteem is also provided in this book. Enjoying the benefit of self-confidence requires understanding its impacts. A comprehensive explanation of this concept is provided in the chapters of this book.

This book encourages you to focus on your body's functionality and strength rather than societal beauty standards. The importance of having proper nutrition is discussed. This includes the concept of macronutrients, decoding nutritional labels, and debunking diet myths. The chapters also discuss achieving balanced nutrition and crafting a personalized meal plan.

Gratitude is a foundational pillar for self-love and personal growth. Self-Love provides a deep insight into the science of gratitude. Chapters in the book provided a strong focus on gratitude and how it empowers women.
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It is often said that you cannot love others if you do not love yourself, though this is often quite hard for many people to achieve. Sometimes it is due to the roadblocks we ourselves place in our own paths or those that others lay down before us. By the application of the methods and philosophy that this tome will guide you through you will find a new appreciation of yourself and your place in your world, a more peaceful and better adjusted life awaits you.

About the Author

Dr. Rachel Bush

Rachel W Bush, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist in Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts as well as a relationship and creativity expert. She is also a marriage wellness expert with her life partner, John Gerson, Ph.D.

She is an internationally bestselling author, and founded Luminosity Publishing as a psychoeducational platform on self-love, gratitude, relational attunement, creative flow and passion guided resiliency building.  Rachel is also an Intuitive Abstract Multi-Media Artist.

She raised three kids of her own primarily as a single mom and is now graced by the beauty of a blended family of five grown children and two grandchildren.